What is a CPAP?

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If you are tired or exhausted do not operate a vehicle or machinery.
The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only, Sleep Apnea can only be diagnosed via a medically approved sleep study. A sleep study must be ordered and reviewed by a professional provider trained in Sleep Medicine.

GEM Sleep is focused on treatment and support of Sleep Apnea, not other sleep conditions.

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There are different treatments for different people, an option you have is CPAP. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It's a mask that goes over the nose, blows room air, no added oxygen just compressed room air , up through your nose to keep the back of the throat open.

Many people understandably are reluctant to try CPAP. It's a mask that goes over the nose and that can take a little while to get used to. Most people are able to make CPAP work within a couple of weeks.

People are often surprised, greatly surprised, at how much better they feel once we help them get used to and comfortable with using a CPAP mask. You can see benefits from CPAP as soon as the first night, but more often people will notice benefits after a week or two by keeping the airway open. We help them get a good night's rest, take care of their sleep apnea, and improve their long-term health and well-being.

If you are tired or exhausted do not operate a vehicle or machinery.
The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only, Sleep Apnea can only be diagnosed via a medically approved sleep study. A sleep study must be ordered and reviewed by a professional provider trained in Sleep Medicine.

GEM Sleep is focused on treatment and support of Sleep Apnea, not other sleep conditions.

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